May is the month of birthdays (for me) and this gives me the opportunity to experiment and try new things, it takes motivation, pushing ahead the cart of new discoverings; so here it is, where I applied all chemicals, dosages and tricks of the pastry chefs. In this recipe there is a step taught by Montersino, that alone is worth the effort to prove, and the time to do.
For the birthday party of my son Alessandro, I found this explosion of flowers in my garden and the cake I chose for all children is a mousse (reminiscent of the ice, because
they love it!) 3-chocolate (because
they love the chocolate!). This recipe is taken from
L'arte-del-dolce, but I mentioned a chenge in order to "sanitize" the egg, because there were so many children. The egg in the original recipe was assembled and added raw to the mousse, so I cooked the sugar in water up to 121° and added to the egg, while assembling.