mercoledì 23 marzo 2011



Today is spring!
Even if it's not properly a sweet flavour..."la pizza" is my favourite "sweet sweet" taste, so let me write down this recipe taken from the French Richard Bertinet's book of bread. I know that pizza is Italian but in this book I found some interesting tips about it. Ie you have to weigh water becuase it's precise, you can easily use tap water ...  and add few flour to the dough even if very very sticky: it's worthy because when it 's cooked it's very light!
With this recipe I take part to the contest proposed by Babette chi l'ha detto che una rondine non fa primavera (Who told that one swallow does not make a summer). For me Spring is a feast and a feast means pizza! Here it is...


For one baking tin (90cm.)
  • 500 g 0 flour (strong) 
  • 20 g semolina
  • 350 g water
  • 50 g di olive oil
  • 10 g salt
  • 15 g brewer's yeast 

in oven


1. Mix the flour with semolina and the crumbled yeast , add salt, water and oil and blend very well till amalgamated. Leave the dough for an hour covered by a towel.

Prehot oven to 220°
2. Work the dough adding few flour (it is very sticky, so use a  spatula it will be easier), grease a baking sheet with oil and expand the dough gently with your fingers. Leave the dough for 30 minutes. Season it as you like (I season with tomato and mozzarella, olive oil with rosemary).
Here is a double dose for 2 trays of 90 cm. 

I thank again  Sonia for the very welcome award and I deliver it to 3 foodbloggers as per rule. (I'm sorry for  the delay, but I discovered only today that I had to hand it over to my turn). These are the blogs I like and let others know:
Mister Bonfi  because it's a new entry and I like it for the recipes and images. Congratulations!
The blog because it's easy to read the delicious recipes; the graphics and the pictures are excellent. Brava!
Smetelig's Spanish blog because the recipes are funny, the pictures attractive and she is effervescent!

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